Have a COVID vaccine or the government won’t let you travel.
That’s what is being pushed by bureaucrats in the Biden administration.
Whether you love taking the COVID-19 vaccine or don’t wish to take it, in a free society you have choice.
Whether you’re a Democrat or Republican, libertarian or Christian, allowing people choice is the foundation of America. But some want everyone to obey the government and to have no choice.
And it’s disturbingly a major step in destroying freedom in the future – social control similar to how Communist China is rewarding and punishing its people based on beliefs and actions.
Here are 6 disturbing things you should know:
1. The government bureaucrats want you to show proof of a COVID-19 vaccine before you travel by air, train or bus.
England, Israel, and a few other countries are starting to require COVID-19 “vaccine passports”.
The “ideologically- driven” bureaucrats in the Biden administration want this to happen in the U.S.
The start is putting pressure on business to require the passport.
For example, they are looking at putting enormous political and economic pressure and threats on the airlines and other businesses to require a “vaccine passport”. This is before having Biden sign an Executive order, or having the Transportation Department and other agencies set regulations.
2. “Vaccine passports” violate our freedom of choice.
In the name of “safety,” bureaucrats now want to limit your freedom of choice between taking a vaccine or not.
You may like the COVID vaccination. You may wish everyone took it.
That’s fine.
But don’t take away another’s freedom of choice.
In a free society, you choose, not the government.
And is this just the first step.
It is likely once “vaccine passports” are in place, you will need the “vaccine passport” to go to a sports event, concert, museum – anything public.
Movies, shopping, church and more, a “vaccine passport” will be required.
How about school or work? To a large store?
It’s a restraint of your freedom of movement – and living.
As the government uses the private sector to require the passport, it leads to a fascism – collusion between government and big business for control and power over the people.
3. Vaccine passports are the escalation of the rise of statism.
The “vaccination passport” is another big step towards the surveillance state where your privacy is invaded and your movements tracked.
It violates your free choice. Many are concerned about vaccines and won’t use them. This coerces people to use them.
That’s right. It makes it easy for the government to track you and collect data, not just on a shot or not – but what you say, where you go and more. It’s a complete violation of your freedom – choice, privacy and ability to live without government coercion in your choices and lifestyle.
In fact, it opens the door to “Social credit” control like in Communist China.
4. Your phone will most likely be your “vaccination passport.”
Your phone already has the ability to be used for vaccine verification by an app.
And if you received a vaccination, it is being logged by the National Immunization Vaccination System.
If you don’t have a vaccination, it’s still tracking you.
Companies such as Sam’s Club and Walmart are using apps. It sounds great, but it’s the first step in massive control as government will transfer private data to public data – including a new database on you. And probably a violation of HIPPA laws.
5. The World Economic Forum is pushing for a universal app.
Big tech, the world’s biggest corporations and the wealthiest elite are part of the World Economic Forum.
The WEF creates direction for government actions – usually for a government action from a socialist worldview.
They are pushing the “Common Pass” app.
The app has your medical data and projects a QR code to be used to prove you’re “approved.”
In other words, this is a worldwide push by pro-Socialist world leaders.
6. The collectivist move toward a high tech “health passport” advances a surveillance state bureaucracy.
In the name of safety, you are being asked to give up your privacy, violate the conscience of those who disagree and give up your freedom for social approval based on bureaucratic consensus:
- Health officials’ fascism.
- Technocratic fascism.
- Bureaucratic fascism.
It is violating the foundation of a free society.
Click HERE to watch this video with Gillian Turner on vaccine passports. It is about a video about two minutes.
Also, watch this video with Tucker Carlson and Glenn Greenwald on the major concerns about the passport vaccination. Click HERE to view. It is about four minutes long.
Written by www.CraigHuey.com