I begin with a story. A therapist takes chalk and draws a straight line across the blackboard. “What does that make you think of,” he asks the patient. “Sex,” replies the patient. Then the therapist draws a triangle and asks again. “Sex,” comes the answer again. Finally, the therapist draws a circle and once again the reply is, “Sex.”
Putting the chalk down the doctor says, “I don’t need to go any further. Obviously, you are obsessed with sex.” The patient indignantly retorts, “ME!? You’re the one drawing the dirty pictures!”
“Woke” people only see dirty pictures. “Woke” folk believe they see all things clearly. “Woke” individuals do not see their own bias, overreaction, or falsehood. To them, society is only drawing dirty pictures. Even the act of opening their eyes to reality offends them.
Science, truth, and history are all evil to the “Woke,” if it contradicts their fantasy. In Portland this past October, they even toppled statues of Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt. Wait what?
Here is an example of what may happen if you ask a “Woke” person a fair question. Question: “How can you say there was no election fraud? There were several million more votes cast than there were registered voters?” Woke answer, “That doesn’t matter, because you are a racist.”
They see America and American history as a cancer to be excised from the earth. While America’s history does contain some wrong acts, if a fair comparison of American history is made with the history of every other nation, America will look amazing.
America is so great, in fact, that it is the only nation in the world where even those who hate America do not want to leave and go to live anywhere else.
Why do they want to destroy the most decent society in the world? Because in their rebellion against reason, they have come to believe their own lie. If you want to understand why there is so much hypocrisy on the Left, it is because they are fixated on what is wrong with everyone but themselves.
In a free society, “Woke” people are entitled to their opinion, but they are not entitled to their own facts. When the facts show that you are lying—that you are breaking the law in order to destroy people—that you are viciously excluding individuals in the name of inclusion—that you are smothering freedom in the name of equality—that you are abusing your political power to abolish the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, then you must be opposed, exposed, and prosecuted.
The latest ‘dirty picture’ is a thing they call Christian Nationalism. They are saying that loving God and loving America is a dirty picture. The goal is to break up the voter base that loves Jesus and America. They want to shame us into being silent and they want us to leave the frontlines of the culture war right when we are needed there the most.
The oxygen-deprived Evangelical leaders who have signed on to this myth of Christian Nationalism, should be ashamed—ashamed of violating their calling and of betraying their congregations.
Here is the big picture: They invented the threat of Christian Nationalism in order to stop Trump. They have tried everything else to do it. They do not want him to even be able to run for office. First, they impeached him. Then they used the silly optic of National Guardsmen forced to guard a non-threatened Washington D.C.
Now they have turned to their final option: Invent Christian Nationalism in order to hold Christians and Patriots up as the greatest threat to America.
If you love Jesus and you love America, then listen very closely: do not negotiate with crazy. Do not buckle under their delusions. We must all stand our ground and reinforce the truth that our Founding Fathers were indeed moved by the hand of providence to construct a constitutional republic that is the best arbiter of freedom and justice the world has ever known.
But, until the “Woke” stop focusing on the perceived problems of society and begin to work on their own character, they will push for radical and fundamental change in our institutions and beliefs.
Recently, Dennis Prager said, “Conservatives believe that America can be improved, but should not be transformed, let alone, fundamentally transformed.
“The founders of the United States recognized that the transformation every generation must work on, is the moral transformation of each citizen. Thus, character development was at the core of both childrearing, and of young people’s education from elementary school through college.
“As John Adams, the second President said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
“And in the words of Benjamin Franklin, “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom.”
“Why is that? Because freedom requires self-control. The freer the society, the more self-control is necessary. If the majority of people don’t control themselves, the State, meaning an ever more powerful government, will have to control them.
“From the founding of the United States until the 1960s, schools and parents concentrated on character education. But with the ascent of left-wing ideas, character education has all but disappeared from American schools. Instead: children are taught not to focus on their flaws, but on America’s flaws.
“Social issues have replaced character education.”
We must never surrender our Faith in Christ! We must never “let our good be evil spoken of.” Our awesome God is still at work. This “Woke” nightmare is one that America will soon wake up from.