By Pastor Todd Coconato
It’s been a very difficult season for believers to navigate through, as there is a plethora of different views, information, and disinformation swirling around as well as very different responses from Christian leaders as to what has happened in 2020 and how we should respond as the Body of Christ.
The elections have caused a ‘shock and awe’ that has sent a shockwave around the globe. All the nations of the Earth are watching America, as they too have a vested interest in how this all plays out. This affects us all. There is a massive elephant in the room—will America fall to socialism/communism? Will the beacon of light and shining city on a hill become what it has fought against on so many occasions? This is a battle between light and darkness. It has never been simply political in nature. This is what the church must understand.
There are some who are apologizing, others are pointing fingers and some have given into depression, fear, and anxiety. It’s clear, we have a problem. I don’t believe this is a time to eat our own or shame each other. If anything, this should be a time where real Christians come together and contend for the very future, heart, and soul of this nation. If not now, then when?
As many of you know, I support President Trump. As a faith leader, I looked at the two platforms and the choice we had in 2020 and thought it was abundantly clear who I needed to vote for. I also felt a strong urgency to help others to see the stark contrast of ideologies. As I said, this is a spiritual battle, not a political one. It’s not against flesh and blood, but rather strongholds and principalities. It still is—very much so—and we are not out of the woods yet! We need to keep fighting and pushing back.
The fake news has tried to smear me publicly for my support of President Trump. They attempted to paint me as some type of “fringe pastor”. They took my words and jumbled them up. They do all they can to make it confusing to the people. To try and put doubt in your minds. They use words and terms like “conspiracy” and “baseless claims”. They use psychological warfare tactics. That’s because they have a lot to lose—their power, their control, everything. You are not stupid though. You see through this. That’s why we are such a threat to them! We outnumber them by far.
Do I think President Trump will win again? Honestly, I don’t know how God is going to answer our prayers. My hope is not found in President Trump. My hope is found in Jesus Christ. He is the one I am focused on. I believe He hears our prayers and responds to the prayers of the righteous. If I don’t believe He hears my prayers, then why would I even pray? The fact is, He does though. And I believe God is not done with America yet.
The key to this all is found in 2 Chronicles 7:14. I call that verse “the recipe for revival”. We need ‘new life’ in America and in the church—otherwise, we will lose this country. We can no longer operate as business as usual. This is a clarion call! But…all is not lost yet. We need to contend—pray—repent—and fast! We cannot give up or give into the cancel culture. We cannot be divided or point fingers at each other. No one knows what God is going to do here yet. We can’t get ahead of Him. We also cannot lose faith or act as though we have already lost! We have not lost! We have to remember how many times our ancestors appeared to be backed up against a wall…and then God moved! The enemy wants us to give up prematurely. To return to Egypt. I say no!
We must stand up now! The giants on the land are NOT TO BIG!
We have to understand that cancel culture is coming for us. It’s coming for Christians and there is no way we can sit this one out. This is our fiery furnace moment. We cannot bow down to this anti-God cabal of demonic “leadership”. Not now, not ever.
Was the election stolen? In my opinion, based on the information, I have seen…it was. Did Donald Trump win? I believe he did. But unfortunately, we may not have realized how deep the corruption had gotten. Many are willing to just accept this now and move on. Many are pointing to 2022 or 2024. Think about it…is this what we should be doing? Our house just got robbed and yet we don’t even want to investigate it? That is unwise. Sometimes it takes time, but the thieves are counting on us to simply give up. God sees and knows all.
I believe we need to ask God for wisdom. We are in uncharted waters church. The people are looking for leadership that is bold and unafraid. The people know what happened and are tired of gutless leaders who cower, cave, and point fingers at one another. I know those are some tough words, but I don’t believe we should beat around the bush right now. Everything is at stake. This is a defining moment in history.
The churches must be open. The preachers must address what has happened. We cannot repeat the fake news propaganda and their lies as if it’s the truth. It’s not the truth! We must tell the truth! We must preach the full Bible. We must lay hands on the sick. We must assemble. We must not give up or give in.
For anyone to claim they know what is going to happen, outside of real supernatural prophetic insight, is simply unwise. We don’t know unless God has truly given us that level of understanding. But what we do know is that this is probably the most important time of our lifetime. It’s a make it or break it moment for our country.
The church is meant to be the head and not the tail. We are meant to lead this nation back to Christ. A great harvest is awaiting. That is what will change everything. I believe this is what God is also waiting for us to understand. We have authority in the name of Jesus to cancel this foul assignment of hell on America!
We need to know our identity in Christ. We need to understand deliverance. This nation needs deliverance! It needs a move of God!
The fake news thought they would scare me. They thought I would cave. I will not. There is a high cost in standing, but we all must stand.
Our founders believed in God-given, inalienable rights—Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I stand by those rights and believe we must take a stand now for this nation and our future. Otherwise, we will lose it. The truth is what sets the captive free. It’s time to speak boldly. It’s time to preach the Gospel in the highways and bi-ways! It’s time to know who we are in Jesus Christ!
Call me whatever you want to. Make fun of me all you want. I have made a decision. I will stand.
Will you stand as well?