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by | Mar 22, 2021 | Remnant News | 0 comments

Why does anyone want biological males competing against women? How is that equality? How can anyone say this will not destroy women’s sports? What will it look like when a biological male is the reigning champion in every category of sports for women?

And finally, how will you explain to your young daughter, who dreams of being a champion, that she will have to compete with a man?

The Left will tell you that this kind of a total takeover of women’s sports is impossible, because of the statistical rarity of transgender women. But they are wrong and they know it.

All of a sudden, 25% of our youth “expect to change their gender identity at least once during their lifetime.” https://hbr.org/2020/04/companies-cant-ignore-shifting-gender-norms

Why such a spike? Because, I believe the Left are not trying to protect transgender women—they are trying to recruit them.

If the Equality Act becomes the law of the land, it will make it criminal discrimination to believe that biology determines gender. They want our children to believe gender is based on feelings. Once that is codified, leftist teachers will prey on the feelings of our children.

They are also trying to make being transgender cool—not just equal. By making transgender cool, they add another devastating weapon: peer pressure. How many of our children are acting out gender dysphoria just to win peer approval in school and on social media?

The real target is womanhood and the consequence will be to erase women altogether. 

But these disturbing facts are not the real message of this blog. It is something just as disturbing—something you and I have some control over, and we need to see the real disaster here.

The other day I saw this headline, “57 black pastors warn Democrat Senators not to pass the Equality Act.” How is that even a headline? There should have been 10,000 black pastors warning the Senate. There should have been at least 200,000 American pastors of all colors warning the Senate.

Only 57 Black Pastors warning the Senate is not a headline. It is an indictment. It would be like this headline: “City burns down. 12 firemen show up.”

We need to stop looking at the leftist media, the Grammys, or Democrats for the true symptom of our national sickness. The real symptom is the silence in the pulpit. The disheartening, disgusting, inexcusable moral paralysis that delays leaders from forming the unity and purpose we need to stop these wicked leaders—that is the crime of our century.

And the Equality Act is only a small fragment of what we should be outraged at. A vast and vicious lie has covered America like locusts, and most sermons are filled with fluff. Your messages are not hitting anywhere near that lie. There was a day when, perhaps, your lukewarm messages could be considered harmless, even mildly amusing. But today they are an unspeakable betrayal.

Charles Finney said, “Brethren, our preaching will bear its legitimate fruits.

If immorality prevails in the land, the fault is ours in a great degree.

If there is a decay of conscience, the pulpit is responsible for it.

If the public press lacks moral discrimination, the pulpit is responsible for it.

If the church is degenerate and worldly, the pulpit is responsible for it.

If the world loses its interest in religion, the pulpit is responsible for it.

If Satan rules in our halls of legislation, the pulpit is responsible for it.

If our politics become so corrupt that the very foundations of our government are ready to fall away, the pulpit is responsible for it. Let us not ignore this fact, my dear brethren; but let us lay it to heart, and be thoroughly awake to our responsibility in respect to the morals of this nation.”

The leftists of America have jumped the fence and invaded the domain of the First Amendment. They have demanded that you surrender your faith, your freedom—and God help you—YOUR PEOPLE! 

And why is there no reaction?

For the sake of everything decent, why can’t the men and women of God in America realize that the general alarm is sounding? It demands nothing less than an overwhelming and uncompromising repudiation of this presidency! It demands a nationwide rejection of the vile curriculum in our schools. It demands a revolt so deep and complete that the media will fear us. A revolt so widespread that there will simply be too many of us for them to stop.

What level of horror will it take to rouse you to your duty? Perhaps that horror will be when your own people rise on their own. The millions of members who have faithfully and patiently waited for you to lead them.

And what if a Christian populist movement rises and finally decides they can’t wait for you anymore? What if they all stampede out your door, and go to other churches—churches that are seeking God for the revival and a divine counteroffensive against the political devils who seek to destroy both America and the Church?

Do not laugh. I am seeing it everywhere. Preachers are renting halls, schools, and some are meeting in open fields. Crowds are forming in places no one ever expected. Fire is coming from the mouths of average Christians on the street. The people of the Lord are becoming willing volunteers in the day of God’s power!

How do you tell your young daughter that Democrats want to erase women? How do you assure her that you are doing all you can to protect her? You say, “Darling, this is America. And I will, with everything that is within me, and by the mighty weapons of God, do whatever it takes to destroy this evil lie!”

Read more from Mario Murillo HERE


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