Resurrection Day 2022 -- Why this is so important to know... Thank you for tuning into Sunday service at The Remnant. To get a hold of Pastor Todd please email him @ To give to this ministry please go to
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Pastor Artur Pawlowski on The Todd Coconato Show after 51 days in Canadian jail…
Pastor Todd on The Stew Peters Show 3/31/2022 Pastor Todd on The Stew Peters Show 3/31/2022 Christians have a conviction and an obligation to call out corruption, with our government being compiled of evil. Pastor Todd Coconato joined the Stew Peters Show Thursday...
What does it mean that Satan masquerades as an angel of light?
In the Bible, light is a spiritual metaphor for truth and God’s unchanging nature (James 1:17). It is repeatedly used in the Bible to help us understand that God is wholly good and truthful (1 John 1:5). When we are “in the light,” we are with God. (1 Peter 2:9). He...
“Voices of truth”
God is raising up voices that have something to say and who aren’t afraid to say it… In this season of “shaking” and period of disruption in the church, nation, and world…God is raising up key voices who have an important Spirit-breathed message embedded in their soul...
Guest: Janet Boynes — The LGBTQ lifestyle and how God used her past to start a powerful ministry Guest: Janet Boynes --- Talking about the LGBTQ lifestyle and how God used her past to start a powerful ministry and testimony! Janet Boynes Ministries (JBM) was founded when the CEO and founder, Janet Boynes, felt God’s call...
Sunday Service @ The Remnant with Pastor Todd Coconato 3/27/2022
Guest: Michele Bachmann on The Todd Coconato Show
Guest Congresswoman Michele Bachmann on the Todd Coconato Show "The Remnant". Please check out her website ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Help us fund the operation...
God is waiting on US!
God is waiting on us…. He is ready to move! It’s not that complicated. We tend to over complicate things. He says, “come as a child”. We have to have faith. Without faith, it’s impossible to please God. But, with FAITH, we can move the mountains of this hour. The...
Pastor Todd Coconato put in ‘Facebook jail’ for the next 29 days for speaking up about Ukraine!
In the world of unbelievable and draconian big-tech censorship, it’s no surprise that Facebook, whose parent company Meta Inc., has violated Pastor Todd Coconato’s 1st Amendment ability to speak freely by banning him from posting live videos for the next 29 days on...

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